Our company is small, fast, flexible, responsive—and less expensive. With over 30 years in graphic design and advertising, we can address all your design needs.


Are you a new, start-up business or an established firm looking for a fresh, new image? From a simple logo to a complete direct mail campaign, we offer studio quality at a reasonable price.


Call 847.520.3141 to find out more about our services.



PowerPoint Presentations


Volunteer Projects




The sole reason we are in

business is to make life easy
for our clients.

"I worked for small agencies for many years, and had the idea that I could start my own freelance service, offering excellent value."


1230 Anthony Road  | Wheeling, IL 60090  Email: lpearson222@comcast.net  O: 847.520.3141  | C: 847.212.3141  |  F: 847.520.9872

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